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Main Info

Level: Adult Da-019
Attribute: Vaccine St-113 Free DD
Type: Mythical Dragon Da-019
Field: Wind Guardians Nature Spirits Dragon's Roar


An Adult-level Mythical Dragon Digimon that attained V-mon's natural power and evolved. XV-mon is a pure breed of V-dramon, and it is said that the variant species is V-dramon. The attacks it unleashes using its developed arm and leg strength are tremendous, and are powerful enough to destroy a mountain of rock without leaving a trace. It is feared because it possesses such destructive power, but in reality it has a strong sense of justice, and will not use that power recklessly. Its Signature Move is a powerful biting technique (Strong Crunch). Its Special Move is an energy wave emitted from the "X" pattern on its chest (X-Laser).

Evolves From

Agumon PenP1
Agumon (Black) St-113
Bearmon Bo-1079
DORUmon (Jogressed with or without Yuki Agumon) DSSM
Falcomon Bo-1191
Falcomon (2006 Anime Version) DSCS
Gabumon Bo-1191
Gabumon (Black)
Gomamon DWReD
Guilmon PenP1
Kokuwamon St-532
Labramon Bo-1079
Monodramon Da-196
Mushmon Bo-367
Patamon DSCS
Pico Devimon St-337
Renamon St-337
Ryudamon Da-019
Stingmon with the Crest of Friendship Bo-686
Strabimon Bo-933
V-mon (with or without the Digimentals of Courage, Friendship, Love, and Purity) D3
Yuki Agumon (Jogressed with or without DORUmon) DSSM

Evolves To

Aero V-dramon (with or without V-dramon) Bo-1113
Aero V-dramon Zero Vj-7
Dinobeemon (Jogress with Stingmon) D3
Fladramon (with the Digimental of Courage) DS
Hisyaryumon Da-036
Holy Angemon DSCS
Magnamon (with the Digimental of Miracles) DS
Megadramon (Jogress with or without Tyranomon, Angemon, or Dobermon) PenP1
Megalo Growmon PenP1
Metal Greymon Da-255
Metal Tyranomon PenP1
Paildramon (Jogress with or without Stingmon , Snimon, or Tyranomon) DWReD
Rize Greymon DSCS
Skull Greymon (Jogress with Greymon) St-801
Stingmon (with the Crest of Kindness) Bo-687
Wingdramon Dα-578

Source: Wikimon

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