| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Baby II DD
Attribute: None DD
Type: Small Angel DD
Field: -


A Small Angel Digimon that evolved from Puttimon. Unlike its time as Puttimon, it likes good deeds, and loves making everyone happy. Particularly, it is called the "Angel of Charity", and its specialty is bringing about feelings of "Love" in every person. It is always flying about in the air of the Digital World, sprinkling love on everyone while making them feel happy. It is said that if even a large Digimon with a mass of fighting spirit comes across Cupimon, it will cease battling. Its Special Move is generating a ring of light from the protuberance on its calvaria and throwing it at the opponent (Angel Ring).

Evolves From

Evolves To

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2024 DotAgumon