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Ancient Beatmon

Ancient Beatmon

Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD
Type: Ancient Insect DD
Field: Nature Spirits Unknown


Possessing the attribute of "thunder", it is one of the Warrior Ten Digimon that saved the ancient Digital World. An Ultimate who existed only in the distant past, it has an appearance fused from many insects such as the Rhinoceros beetle and Stag beetle. Its shell has a hardness rivaling that of Chrome Digizoid, so the falx on both of its arms can cut through anything, and it can easily lift up objects hundreds of times its own weight. Ancient Beatmon's abilities were later passed on to the "Insect Digimon". Its Special Moves are a calamitous thunder which brings about super-disasters (Calamity Thunder), and a super-electrical attack with a thousand times the power of Giga Blaster (Tera Blaster).

Evolves From

Atlur Kabuterimon (Blue) (Ancient Evolution) St-934
Atlur Kabuterimon (Red) (with Ancient Evolution or the Spirit of Thunder) (with or without Scorpiomon, Okuwamon and Flymon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Blitzmon (Ancient Evolution) DFBS
Okuwamon (Ancient Evolution) St-889

Evolves To

Susanoomon (with Ancient Greymon, Ancient Garurumon, Ancient Sphinxmon and Ancient Troiamon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars

Source: Wikimon

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