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Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Virus DD
Type: Demon Lord DD
Field: Nightmare Soldiers Unknown Dark Area


A Demon Lord Digimon that leads the many Devil and Fallen Angel Digimon. Like Devimon, Demon was originally an Angel Digimon, and a particularly high-ranking one. However, because it raged in fury or rebellion, against a being of goodness in the Digital World (perhaps the very human that created the Digital World), it was deleted to the Dark Area (the graveyard of deleted data). It has vowed to one day conquer the Digital World, in revenge against the being of goodness. Also, while it led the rebellion, and was the strongest among the Ultimates, it plotted to secretly revive the "Super-Ultimate Digimon". Its Special Move is the extremely high-temperature flames of hell (Flame Inferno). Those who incur this technique burn up without a trace.

Evolves From

Archnemon (Jogressed with Mummymon) Vj-9
Asuramon Da-458
Blue Meramon DSCS
Dagomon Vj-9
Death Meramon Bo-1069
Death-X-DORUguremon DM02-106
Fantomon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen3.5
Garudamon Bo-204
Gerbemon iC10X
Holy Angemon DM-026
Lady Devimon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series or Vamdemon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Lucemon Falldown Mode Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Lilamon iC10X
Mach Gaogamon iC10X
Marin Devimon Bo-414
Mega Seadramon Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
Mephismon Da-113
Megalo Growmon Bo-1132
Metal Fantomon Da-270
Mummymon (Jogressed with or without Archnemon) Vj-9
Neo Devimon Digimon Masters
Phelesmon Bo-10v
Rize Greymon iC10X
Skull Greymon DSCS
Skull Satamon Bo-10v
Vamdemon (Jogressed with or without Lady Devimon or Lady Devimon, Blue Meramon and Dagomon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Were Garurumon St-652
Whamon Perfect iC10X

Evolves To

Arkadimon Ultimate Bo-5v
Demon Super Ultimate (Jogressed with Arkadimon Ultimate) Bo-26v
Ogudomon (Jogress with either Barbamon, Beelzebumon, Belphemon, Leviamon, Lilithmon or Lucemon Falldown Mode) DM02-104

Source: Wikimon

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