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Ancient Megatheriumon

Ancient Megatheriumon

Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Data DD
Type: Ancient Beast DD
Field: Deep Savers Unknown


Possessing the attribute of "ice", it is one of the Warrior Ten Digimon that saved the ancient Digital World. An Ultimate who existed only in the distant past, it is said that the power and bravery it possesses can adapt even to the intense cold of the freezing tundra. With an attack of absolute zero it suspends the atomic movement of every object, and it easily destroys even the eternally frozen gigantic icebergs. Ancient Megatheriumon's abilities were later passed on to the "Mammal" and "Ice-Snow Digimon". Its Special Moves are a super-blizzard at absolute zero (Freezing Blizzard), and a super-charge which can even destroy a gigantic iceberg (Great Snowplow).

Evolves From

Chackmon (Ancient Evolution) DFBS
Dagomon (Ancient Evolution) St-916
Marin Devimon Bo-1037
Vikemon Bo-1037
Zudomon (with Ancient Evolution or the Spirit of Ice) (with or without Crescemon, Dagomon and Brachimon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars

Evolves To

Susanoomon (with Ancient Irismon, Ancient Mermaimon, Ancient Wisemon and Ancient Volcamon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars

Source: Wikimon

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