| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD Data 2
Type: Cyborg DD
Field: Metal Empire Virus Busters


A human-type Cyborg Digimon. It possesses a fighting strength which can fell a Digimon below Perfect in a single blow. Andromon was developed as a prototype for Cyborg Digimon, and the mechanically-based Andromon and organically-based cyborg Boltmon were manufactured at the same time. This technology was appropriated for Metal Greymon and Megadramon. As a prototype Digimon it possesses neither will nor emotion, and it is faithful to its programmed behavior. It was upgraded with a program based on the data acquired from the Andromon of File Island, and the strength of that program varies. Its Special Move is a blade of energy which it fires from its arm module (Spiral Sword).

Evolves From

Angemon DWReD
Centalmon DWReD
Clockmon (Jogressed with or without Revolmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5
Death-X-DORUgamon Digimon RPG
Geo Greymon DWRe
Greymon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5
Guardromon (Jogressed with or without Tankmon) Bo-1152
Hanumon St-472
Kenkimon (Jogressed with V-dramon or V-dramon (Black)) Bo-1152
Leomon DW
Meramon DW
Monochromon St-472
Orgemon PDWCN
Pteranomon Da-162
Revolmon (Jogressed with or without Clockmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5
Rinkmon St-557
Sealsdramon Jogressed with Wizarmon Bo-1152
Shellmon Bo-11
Shima Unimon St-183
Tankmon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen5
Tortamon St-472
Unimon Bo-11
XV-mon St-557
XV-mon (Black) St-557

Evolves To

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