| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Virus DD
Type: Mutant DD
Field: Wind Guardians Unknown


A trash can from a desktop computer which gained life and evolved into a Mutant Digimon. Unlike Scumon, which mutated from discarded scum data, this Digimon is the trash can itself. Until now garbage Digimon were said to be the absolute weakest, but with the arrival of Gerbemon that conventional wisdom will probably be reversed. Also, the trash can can act like a black hole, so that anything that is sucked into the trash can disappears from the Digital World without a trace. Its Special Move is a vile attack in which it fires from its bazooka, constructed from empty cans fastened together (Poop Bazooka).

Evolves From

Aquilamon iC10X
Gaogamon iC10X
Geo Greymon iC10X
Gokimon (Jogressed with Numemon or Platinum Scumon) DSSM
Guardromon DW2
Kiwimon (Jogressed with Red Vegimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen4.5
Numemon (Jogressed with or without Gokimon or Platinum Scumon) DSSM
Orgemon AccelNG
Platinum Scumon (Jogressed with Numemon or Gokimon) DSSM
Raremon DW2
Red Vegimon (Jogressed with Kiwimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Bo-733
Scumon Digimon Championship
Sunflowmon iC10X
Togemon (Jogressed with Woodmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen4.5
Tyranomon Bo-1199
Woodmon (Jogressed with Togemon certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Bo-733

Evolves To

Ancient Wisemon (with Wisemon, Super Starmon and Shurimon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Bantyo Liomon iC10X
Demon iC10X
Ebemon (Jogressed with Insekimon or Metal Mamemon) DSSM
Neptunemon AccelNG
Ouryumon iC10X
Pinochimon (Jogressed with Jyureimon , any Perfect Digimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen4.5
Platinum Numemon iC10X
Rosemon AccelNG
Seraphimon iC10X
Shine Greymon iC10X
MirageGaogamon iC10X

Source: Wikimon

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