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Main Info

Level: Perfect DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD Free 3
Type: Angel St-77 Archangel DD
Field: Wind Guardians Nature Spirits Virus Busters


An Archangel Digimon which has the appearance of a beautiful woman. Although it was previously classified as an Angel-type, it was confirmed as an Archangel-type because of the greatness of its abilities. As their trait, Adult angels have six wings, and Perfect angels have eight wings. Although its personality is extremely gentle, it cannot forgive those who are crooked or evil, and it won't stay its hand from attacking until the opponent converts. Because of its soul and power, it is said to be a being like a goddess of the Digital World. The powerful lightning-strike of its Special Move "Holy Arrow" is also known as "Heaven's Punishment", and its certain-kill ray of light "Heaven's Charm", which is packed with beauty and affection, demonstrates its strongest efficacy against the evil powers of Digimon.

Evolves From

Angemon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series , Witchmon, Tyranomon or Dobermon) PenP2
Darcmon DC
Garurumon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen0
Igamon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen0
Kabuterimon (Jogressed with Monochromon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen1.5
Monochromon (Jogressed with Kabuterimon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen1.5
Nefertimon Bo-955
Reppamon DM02-070
Sangloupmon AccelEG
Sorcerimon DC
Starmon (Jogressed with Tailmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen1.5
Stingmon St-258
Sunflowmon DSCD
Tailmon (Jogressed with or without certain Digimon from the Pendulum series, with or without the Crest of Light , Starmon , Aquilamon or Wizarmon and Starmon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Thunderbirmon AccelEG
Unimon DM-200
Witchmon (Jogressed with Angemon) PenP2
Yukidarumon DSCD

Evolves To

Babamon Bo-395
Beelzebumon PenP2
Belial Vamdemon Digimon Circle
Clavis Angemon Bx-162
Crossmon (Jogressed with Garudamon) Bo-226
Darkdramon AccelEG
Dynasmon X-Antibody Da-553
Grand Dracumon (Jogressed with Matadrmon) AccelEG
Holydramon (Jogressed with or without Lilimon or Lilamon) DSSM
Hououmon DC
Junomon Re-63
Lady Devimon XW54
Lilithmon PenP2
Marin Angemon DWReD
Mastemon (Jogressed with Lady Devimon) DSCD
Omegamon (Jogressed with certain Digimon from the Pendulum series) Pen0
Ofanimon (with or without Piccolomon and Unimon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Rosemon DM-204
Rosemon X-Antibody Da-494
Seraphimon St-243
Shakamon Digimon Crusader
Sleipmon DM-208
Valkyrimon (Jogressed with or without Silphymon , Delumon or Owlmon) DSSM
Venusmon Re-59

Source: Wikimon

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