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Main Info
Level: Perfect


Type: Ancient Crustacean



Type: Ancient Crustacean


A Computer virus infected the databanks of a laboratory where the investigations and excavations of ancient life forms is preformed, and took in the data of an ancient life form and evolved. It became like the life form which in ancient times was the apex of the food chain, which had a great appetite and supplied it with an ability capable of allowing it to see food that was of the finest quality. Skillfully using the tentacles that grow from its head it catches the enemy and kills them with the sharp blade that grows from its tail. When the progression of a fight becomes disadvantageous, it uses its sharp tentacles to hoist up the soil of the seabed to hide its body. The radar eye that projects from its head captures the enemy like a night vision scope, watching for the chance to create a turnabout. Its Special Move is crossing its right and left forelimbs and shooting with Stinger Surprise.
Evolves From
Ankylomon (with or without Gekomon) 
Chamelemon (Jogressed with Seadramon)
Coelamon (Jogressed with or without Rukamon, Seadramon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Gesomon (Jogressed with Ikkakumon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Ikkakumon (Jogressed with Gesomon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Mori Shellmon
Octmon (Jogressed with Rukamon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Rukamon (Jogressed with Seadramon, Coelamon, Octmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Sand Yanmamon (Jogressed with or without Snimon)
Seadramon (Jogressed with Coelamon , Chamelemon or certain Digimon from Pendulum series)
Snimon (Jogressed with or without Sand Yanmamon)

Chamelemon (Jogressed with Seadramon)
Coelamon (Jogressed with or without Rukamon, Seadramon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Gesomon (Jogressed with Ikkakumon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Ikkakumon (Jogressed with Gesomon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)


Mori Shellmon

Octmon (Jogressed with Rukamon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Rukamon (Jogressed with Seadramon, Coelamon, Octmon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Sand Yanmamon (Jogressed with or without Snimon)

Seadramon (Jogressed with Coelamon , Chamelemon or certain Digimon from Pendulum series)


Snimon (Jogressed with or without Sand Yanmamon)


Evolves To
Ancient Mermaimon (with Mermaimon, Whamon Perfect and Coelamon) 
Anomalocarimon X-Antibody (with X-Antibody)
Devitamamon (Jogressed with Pipismon)
Ebemon X-Antibody
Giga Seadramon
Gran Kuwagamon (Jogressed with Dinobeemon)
Grandis Kuwagamon
Herakle Kabuterimon (with Tekkamon)
Metal Seadramon (Jogressed with Mega Seadramon , Marin Devimon , Metal Tyranomon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)
Piemon (with Vamdemon, Wisemon and Algomon)
Plesiomon X-Antibody

Anomalocarimon X-Antibody (with X-Antibody)
Devitamamon (Jogressed with Pipismon)

Ebemon X-Antibody

Giga Seadramon

Gran Kuwagamon (Jogressed with Dinobeemon)

Grandis Kuwagamon

Herakle Kabuterimon (with Tekkamon)
Metal Seadramon (Jogressed with Mega Seadramon , Marin Devimon , Metal Tyranomon or certain Digimon from the Pendulum series)

Piemon (with Vamdemon, Wisemon and Algomon)


Plesiomon X-Antibody

Source: Wikimon