| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
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Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Unknown DD
Type: Unknown DD
Field: Unknown Dark Area


Evolves From

Ancient Troiamon Digimon Masters
Chaos Piemon Digimon Masters
Chaosdramon Digimon Masters
Deleted Digimon DA53
Fantomon DSMS
Giga Seadramon Digimon Masters
Metal Seadramon (Jogressed with or without Pinochimon) Bo-163
Mugendramon (Jogressed with or without Piemon) Bo-163
Piemon (Jogressed with or without Mugendramon) Bo-163
Pinochimon (Jogressed with or without Metal Seadramon) Bo-163
Vamdemon Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers

Evolves To

Beelzebumon Blast Mode (Jogressed with Venom Vamdemon or Diablomon) Digital Monster: D-Project
Mephismon (Death Evolution) M06

Source: Wikimon

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