| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
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Main Info

Level: Adult St-572
Attribute: Vaccine St-572 Free DD
Type: Cyborg DD
Field: Metal Empire Virus Busters


A Cyborg-type Armor Digimon which evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Miracles". It is a dragon plated in Chrome Digizoid armor, and is employed in the service of Knightmon, racing across the battlefield with Knightmon astride its back. Only a Maildramon is enormous enough to act as the steed of the large-bodied Knightmon, and its own power and endurance are also significant. It is truly a "moving fortress". Its Special Move is crushing the opponent under its immense bulk (Iron Press).

Evolves From

Agumon Bo-11t
Bokomon St-830
Clear Agumon (With the Digimental of Fate) St-572
Neamon St-830
Plotmon (With the Digimental of Fateor Digimental of Miracles) Bo-461
Tailmon (With the Digimental of Miracles) Bo-333
Terriermon Bo-11t

Evolves To

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