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Main Info

Level: Ultimate Digimon Crusader
Attribute: -
Type: Demon Lord DD
Field: -


Although it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon that ruled over death, it despaired against the unreasonable justice of the world and rebelled against God. It then received the scourge of God and eternally lost one of its eyes and half of its body, and has since replaced that half with an artificial body cut from a sacred tree. Its long, artificial right arm can catch hold of ghostly forms, and rip the soul out of a living Digimon's body. The extracted soul can be sent to heaven or hell as Bagramon pleases, and can even be placed in another Digimon's body, a Signature Move of Bagramon's named "Astral Snatcher". The large ruby that it replaced its lost eye with conceals its "Invisible Snake-eyes", a power that allows it to observe anywhere within the Digital World, and with this ability, Bagramon is able to instantaneously obtain any information it wants to know. Due to these, Bagramon is known across the Digital World as the "Sage of Death". Although Bagramon's sins will be forgiven if it repented before God, Bagramon will not go back to submission under God. This is because Bagramon still seeks to replace the "Unreasonable Justice of the World" that God constructed, and its goal in life is to banish God from the world with its "New Justice".

Evolves From

Evolves To

Dark Knightmon (Bagramon) (w/ Dark Knightmon) Digimon Xros Wars - Episode 53Digimon Xros Wars: Approach The Human Worlds Last Day D5
Darkness Bagramon (w/ Dark Knightmonor w/ Skull Knightmon & Deadly Axemon) http://www.carddass.com/digimon/game/unit_6th.html_Super_Digica_Taisen:_Sixth_Act_DigiXros_Units_/span

Source: Wikimon

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