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Bancho Leomon

Bancho Leomon

Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD
Type: Beast Man DD
Field: Nature Spirits Virus Busters


A Beast Man Digimon which lives faithful only to the "Justice" in which it trusts. It is said that only Digimon who continue to emerge victorious in battles with fierce champions, without their spirit being "broken", are able to acquire the title of "Bancho", and only five Digimon which possess this title have been confirmed in the recorded history of the Digital World. As it is a boss that only serves its own "Justice", if something becomes an obstacle to that "Justice", it will see them as "Evil" even if they are a being like the Royal Knights or the Three Great Angels, and they will become an enemy that it has to eliminate. The "GAKU-RAN" worn over its shoulders is endowed with a defensive function that negates 89.9% of the opponent's physical strikes. Its Special Moves are unleashing its "Shishiraouzan" from its prided tantō, "Otokodama", and releasing a fist packed with fighting spirit honed to its utmost limit (Flash Bancho Punch).

Evolves From

Any Digimon of Child level or above (with the "Leo Cap" item DigiviceiC10X
Cerberumon Da-057
Chimairamon AccelJG
Dinotigermon Digimon Masters
Etemon Mini3
Grappu Leomon (Jogressed with or without Pandamonor Leomon) Digimon Collectors
Loader Liomon (Jogressed with or without Metal Greymon X-Antibody) AccelJG
Mach Gaogamon DSCS
Monzaemon DWReD
Pandamon (Jogressed with Grappu Leomon) ] Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Panjyamon DSCS
Saber Leomon Digimon Masters
Tankdramon Bo-1175

Evolves To

Bancho Leomon: Burst Mode DS46
Beelzebumon: Blast Mode (Jogressed with Beelzebumon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Chaosmon (Jogressed with Darkdramon, Valdurmon , or Sleipmon) DWReD
Chaosmon: Valdur Arm (Jogressed with Valdurmon) http://digimon.net/cat-digimon-dictionary/02-ka/chaosmonvaldurarm/index.html_Chaosmon:_Valdur_Arms_Profile_Digimon_Reference_Book/span
Marsmon Digimon Masters
Ultimate Chaosmon (Jogressed with Valdurmon, Darkdramon and Sleipmon) Ultimate Chaosmon's Profile (Digimon Accel Ultimate Genome)

Source: Wikimon

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