| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Ultimate Bo-226
Attribute: Vaccine Bo-226
Type: Cyborg Bo-226 Giant Bird Bo-311
Field: Metal Empire


Evolves From

Angewomon (Jogressed with Garudamon) Bo-226
Blossomon (Jogressed with Nanomon) Bo-311
Chimairamon (Jogressed with or without Metal Greymon) Bo-311
Cyberdramon (Jogressed with Delumon) Bo-226
Delumon (Jogressed with or without Cyberdramon) Bo-226
Garudamon (Jogressed with or without Angewomon) Bo-882
Kenkimon (Jogress with Owlmon or Shakkoumon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Metal Greymon Virus
Owlmon (Jogress with Shakkoumon or Kenkimon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight
Parrotmon Bo-311
Shakkoumon (Jogress with Owlmon or Kenkimon) Digimon Story: SunburstDigimon Story: Moonlight

Evolves To

Aegisdramon (with Plesiomon and Mega Seadramon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Gravimon Darkness Mode (with Gravimon, Centalmon, Sagittarimon, Cerberumon, Thunderbirmon and Hippogriffomon) XW44

Source: Wikimon

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2025 DotAgumon