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Main Info

Level: Adult DD
Attribute: Virus DD
Type: Evil Dragon DD
Field: Wind Guardians Nightmare Soldiers Unknown Dragon's Roar


An Evil Dragon Digimon that is known and feared as the "Many-eyed Demon". As a demon beast that was summoned from the Dark Area by the messenger of darkness, Devimon, there are no other Digimon as evil as it is. Although it is a Dramon-species Digimon, its limbs are unusually developed, so it cuts the opponent to pieces with its elongated arms, and flies about the darkness with its sturdy legs and wings. Its personality is wickedness itself, so it is unmoved by a spirit of compassion. If it glares at them with its four eyes burning in deep crimson, the opponent becomes unable to move, and it will chop up their unresisting body. Also, the tip of its tail is able to open up and take on the shape of a claw, which can skewer the opponent. This Digimon was probably produced by the evil feelings of Hackers who were abusing the Computer Network for their own selfish desires. Its Special Move is chopping up the opponent with its gigantic claws, and beating them all bloody (Crimson Nail).

Evolves From

Agumon Bo-983
Agumon (Black) (Jogressed with or without Pico Devimon) DSSM
Candmon (with or without Burst Evolution) DB
DORUmon Da-083
Gazimon VPet5
Gizamon DW2
Gottsumon St-525
Hagurumon St-524
Hawkmon St-198
Impmon AccelUG
Labramon Bo-983
Modoki Betamon St-525
Monodramon Digimon RPG
Patamon St-198
Pico Devimon (Jogressed with or without Agumon (Black)) DSSM
Renamon Bo-8t
Tsukaimon DSSM
V-mon St-524

Evolves To

Archnemon Digital Monster: D-Project
Cerberumon AccelUG
Chimairamon DSSM
Cyberdramon DC
Death-X-DORUguremon Da-542
Delumon AccelUG
Gigadramon DSSM
Karatenmon Da-103
Lady Devimon (Jogressed with or without Cockatrimon or Lekismon) DSSM
Megadramon St-537
Mephismon Da-098
Metal Greymon (Jogress with Dobermon)
Metal Greymon X-Antibody (Jogress with Dobermon X-Antibody) Bx-27
Metal Tyranomon Bo-133
Mummymon Digital Monster: D-Project
Neo Devimon Bo-14v
Phelesmon Bo-984
Piccolomon AccelUG
Pumpmon AccelUG
Skull Greymon (Jogress with or without Greymon) DSSM
Vamdemon Bo-214

Source: Wikimon

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2025 DotAgumon