| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Child DD
Attribute: Data St-116 Free DD
Type: Bird DD
Field: Wind Guardians


A very polite Bird Digimon that is always calm, cool, and collected. Just like V-mon, it's a descendant of a special species that flourished in ancient times, so it's able to borrow the power of the "Digimental" to pseudo-evolve to an Armor. Its Signature Move is violently pecking with its beak like a woodpecker (Beak Pecker). Its Special Move is using the feather ornament on its head like a boomerang (Feather Slash).

Evolves From

Evolves To

Airdramon St-144
Allomon (With or without the Digimental of Courage) Bo-314
Angemon St-128
Aquilamon DSCS
Birdramon DSCS
Black Growmon St-716
Buraimon (With Hyokomon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
Cockatrimon St-201
Devidramon St-198
Dinohumon (Jogressed with Kotemon or Dot Agumon) DSSM
Dobermon PenP3
Evilmon Bo-13t
Fairymon Da-561
Fladramon St-717
Flybeemon (With or without the Digimental of Knowledge) St-638
Garurumon PenP3
Greymon (Black) St-137
Gryzmon PenP3
Harpymon (With or without the Digimental of Light) Bo-964
Holsmon (With or without the Digimental of Love) Bo-966
Kiwimon Bo-237
Leomon X-Antibody PenP3
Linkmon (With the Digimental of Friendship) Digimon Adventure 02: The Path to Armor Evolution
Meramon DSCS
Moosemon (With or without the Digimental of Hope) Bo-959
Orcamon (With or without the Digimental of Sincerity) Bo-519
Peacockmon (With or without the Digimental of Miracles) Bo-1050
Peckmon DSCS
Shurimon (With or without the Digimental of Purity) St-986
Shutumon (With the Beast Spirit of Wind) St-754
Swanmon Da-577
Thunderbirmon St-719
Toucanmon (With or without the Digimental of Kindness) Bo-828
Tyranomon St-143
Woodmon St-187

Source: Wikimon

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2025 DotAgumon