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Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode

Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode

Main Info

Level: Ultimate DD
Attribute: Vaccine DD
Type: Ancient Dragon Man Bo-405 Ancient Holy Knight DD
Field: Metal Empire Virus Busters


A form of the Ancient Dragon Warrior Digimon Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode that acquired the power of the holy knight Omegamon, powering up and changing form into a legendary holy knight (Paladin Mode). As the final, strongest form of Imperialdramon that was told of since ancient times, it descended in a time of great disruption in the ancient Digital World, and rescued the world from complete collapse. However, all of the details of that era are a mystery, and if research into Digimon and the Digital World progresses, it is likely that they will eventually be clarified. Its Special Move is cutting the opponent in two with a single stroke of its ultimate "Omega Blade" sword, resetting and clearing their configuration data.

Evolves From

Dynasmon (with Omega Blade) St-842
Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode (with or without Omegamon) or (Jogressed with or without Seraphimon , Gran Kuwagamon or Hercules Kabuterimon) Digital Monster: D-Project
Imperialdramon (Black) (with Omegamon) Tv-2
Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode (with or without Omegamon) (Jogressed with or without Gran Kuwagamon or Hercules Kabuterimon) Digital Monster: D-Project
V-mon (Warp Evolution) DTBS

Evolves To

Ancient Greymon (Jogressed with Diablomon) DW3

Source: Wikimon

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