| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Child DD
Attribute: Data DD
Type: Cyborg DD
Field: Deep Savers


A Cyborg Digimon with a shell like a mouse. Its Special Moves are an arrow-shaped missile that it is able to guide until it hits the opponent (Pointer Arrow), and rolling the ball in its abdomen to charge, and then assaulting with the helmet on its head ('met Tackle). Also, it has the "Koura Guard" ability that allows it to store its whole body in its shell and reflect the opponent's attacks back unchanged.

Evolves From

Evolves To

Bakemon iC20X
Shoutmon X2 Plus M (w/ Shoutmon X2) XW04
G-Cutemon (w/ Cutemon, Dondokomon, Knightmon, Pawn Chessmons, Bastemon & Jijimon) XW44
Gaogamon DB
Gawappamon (with or without Burst Evolution) DB
Geo Greymon DB
Golem Jiji Kamemon (w/ Jijimon & Golemon) XW54
Guardromon DWReD
Ikkakumon DWReD
Jumbo Gamemon (Jogressed with Shawujinmon) Digimon Collectors
Kabuterimon DWReD
Karatsuki Numemon DB
Knight Chessmon (White) (with or without Burst Evolution) DB
Numemon DSLE
Peckmon DB
Reppamon DB
Rukamon Da-293
Seadramon DWReD
Shawujinmon (Full Burst Evolution) DB
Starmon iC20X
Tailmon DWReD
Tortamon Digimon Crusader
Whamon DM02-051
Xros Up Shoutmon (Chibi Kamemon) (w/ Shoutmon) XW73

Source: Wikimon

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