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Lucemon: Falldown Mode

Lucemon: Falldown Mode

Main Info

Level: Perfect Bo-968 Ultimate DSAM
Attribute: Virus Bo-968
Type: Demon Lord Bo-968
Field: Nightmare Soldiers Unknown Dark Area


The strongest of the "Seven Great Demon Lords", it is an ultimate Demon Lord Digimon which possesses both the divine and the diabolic. It instigated a rebellion in the far-flung past, and so it was sealed in the Dark Area along with many other Demon Lord Digimon. Its power exceeds that of Ultimates, and is said to rival that of the existence called "God" as well. It has a contradictory existence, in that one side of it loves all things, as God does, while the other is trying to destroy the whole world, as the Devil does. Hence, once it destroys this world, it intends to create a fresh new world. Its Special Moves are, after launching the opponent high into the sky with a wild dance of blows, holding their limbs fixed as it drives them back into the ground (Paradise Lost), and producing a three-dimensional magic circle as a glowing orb of holiness and evilness, within which it traps the opponent (Dead or Alive). When shut within this magic circle, it is a 50/50 decision whether the opponent is either completely annihilated or suffers great damage.

Evolves From

Angemon (Jogressed with or without Devimon) DSSM
Devimon (Jogressed with or without Angemon) DSSM
Holy Angemon DSAM
Lucemon (with or without Evilmon, Minotaurmon and Angemon) Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars

Evolves To

Baihumon (Jogressed with Grapp Leomon) PenP3
Barbamon DSLE
Demon DSSM
Lucemon Larva (including Lucemon Satan Mode) DF49
Lucemon Satan Mode (including Lucemon Larva) DF49
Ogudomon (Jogressed with either Barbamon, Beelzebumon, Belphemon, Demon, Leviamon or Lilithmon) DM02-104

Source: Wikimon

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