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Metallife Kuwagamon

Metallife Kuwagamon

Main Info

Level: Perfect Bo-1167
Attribute: Virus Bo-1167
Type: Insect Bo-1167
Field: Nature Spirits


A subspecies of Kuwagamon which rapidly boosted its offensive power by means of armification. It has also gained grappling ability due to the fact that its form has become humanoid, and as it has both a tough shell as well as nimble movements, it boasts top-class balance among Perfect Digimon. It is able to freely alter the trajectory of its "Homing Laser", a beam fired from the gun points equipped to the fingertips of its hands, at its own will, allowing the beam to avoid any kind of obstacle and hit the opponent dead on. Also, it demonstrates its power in close combat with its "Emit Blade", which emits a beam in the shape of a blade and slashes with it.

Evolves From

Blade Kuwagamon (Jogressed with or without Coelamon) AccelJG
Coelamon (Jogressed with Blade Kuwagamon) AccelJG
Kabuterimon Bo-1167
Kuwagamon Bo-1167

Evolves To

Herakle Kabuterimon X-Antibody { (with the X-Antibody Bx-161
Metal Etemon AccelJG
Tyrant Kabuterimon (Jogress with or without Chimairamon) AccelJG

Source: Wikimon

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