| DigimonBASIC:> /digidex
← Digidex



Main Info

Level: Adult Bo-689
Attribute: Vaccine Bo-689 Free DD
Type: Insect DD
Field: Nature Spirits Nightmare Soldiers Jungle Troopers


An Insect Armor Digimon which evolved using the power of the "Digimental of Knowledge". The Digimental of Knowledge bears the attribute of "earth", and so those wearing this Digimental wield the power to manipulate the earth. As can be seen from its unique body, when fighting underground no Digimon can match it. Its Signature Move impacts the ground with its spinning drill, causing a fissure (Big Crack). Its Special Move launches the drills on both of its hands and its nose in a barrage, with the drills spinning at high speed (Gold Rush).

Evolves From

Armadimon (With the Digimental of Knowledge) St-133
Drimogemon (Child Level or Adult Level) DS05
Tentomon D-295

Evolves To

DigimonBASIC ~ 2014-2024 DotAgumon